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Mr. Perfect – NSW Men’s Health Award Winners 2019!

Firstly, we won!

Mr. Perfect took home the NSW Men’s Health Awards yesterday thanks to the Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF) and support from the public.

Obviously this was huge and it doesn’t exist or happen without our Operations team, Coordinators and community that attend our Meetup BBQs – thank you all.

But the big takeaway for me was the event did exactly what we try to do at Mr. Perfect – create conversation and connection for a selfless reason.

The grassroots Men’s Health sector has huge underground support but lacks the publicity and financial support from corporate and government connections to ensure they keep catching our men and boys when needed and supporting them.

The vast majority of these services are “bootstrapped” and the people behind them as humble as you will ever meet, mostly fuelled by deeply personal stories and BIG hearts.

This award is for all of those heroes I met yesterday – cheers to you all.


Founder | CEO – Mr. Perfect