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Why did Mr. Perfect begin?

These days, when I get to one of our Mr. Perfect BBQs, I tend to fill-in for a BBQ Host that may be away.

In the early days I ran the Central Sydney BBQ every month, but no matter how often I now go to BBQs, inevitably as I am turning the sausages on the BBQ, I get asked “WHY” I started Mr. Perfect. And I am always happy to expand.

In truth there are many reasons, some directly spawned because of my experiences in seeking mental health support, but also some external factors. Below are the key 5 reasons that Mr. Perfect exists:

  1. In my day-job Doctors were telling me they had two options, give someone like me medication or a generic leaflet
  2. My family GP (which I truly do respect and still see) only gave me two options, medication and a Psychiatrist
  3. I told my mates in the pub one day and they did not run away (in fact they mentioned they had their own issues)
  4. I read a BeyondBlue report around the same time about men’s “connectedness” and how post-30 years old, generally, we lose touch with friends and isolation can develop
  5. Writing was my therapy so it started as me writing a book, then a blog, then morphed into the community it is today


If you ever want to hear my story and that of Mr. Perfect get in touch with me at terry@mrperfect.org.au

In the meantime check out when our next Mr. Perfect BBQs are here:

